You've SEEN the PICTURES, now here's where they CAME from!
The following pages list how I acquired my autographs,
with the EXACT addresses I used IF I received them 'Through the Mail' (if I purchased them, it WILL say so). PLEASE don't
e-mail me for 'secret addresses' of hard-to-get celebrities, as I DON'T have any, or start flooding my mailbox with "That
address DOESN'T WORK!" e-mails...I've been collecting for over seven years, some of the addresses are that old, and ANY collector
can tell you that the status of stars' addresses change CONSTANTLY! New agents, breaks from signing, moves to a different
location, a change in attitude...there are a HUNDRED reasons why an address will work one day, then be RTS the next! All I
can say is, these addresses worked for me when I used them! If you want to be more certain of the CURRENT addresses, visit
the STAR ARCHIVE, or sites that specialize in those things!
As for where I get the photos that I mail out...I use Google, and surf the net for any image large and
sharp enough to be able to download, then print them out. Again, don't e-mail me for 'special' photo sites...I don't
HAVE any, and there are 'collecting clubs' that can answer your questions FAR better than I can!
The names are listed
in alphabetical order, based on the performer's FIRST name (maybe not as professional as using last names, but I hate
filing photos as 'Connery, Sean'!)
I've never kept a permanent record of how long replies take...I had over seventy
pictures before I realized it was a common practice, and decided not to go back and research them all...Sorry! (Again, 'collecting
clubs' keep far more detailed information, and SHOULD be your first stop for help!)
